
Blog-lets-not-talk-cap-sanitation-all-long-way Wvi

Nonprofit Overview

Causes: Christianity, Economic Development, International, International Economic Development, International Relief, Microfinance, Religion

Mission: World Vision is an international partnership of Christians whose mission is to follow our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in working with the poor and oppressed to promote human transformation, seek justice and bear witness to the good news of the Kingdom of God.

Programs: Every year, World Vision and its partners serve tens of millions of people in nearly 100 countries, including over one million people in the United States. World Vision's assistance extends to all people, regardless of religious beliefs, gender, race or ethnic background.

World Vision provides emergency relief efforts to bring assistance to victims of both war and natural disasters. Depending on the situation, aid may include food, clothing, and shelter to health care, potable water, and construction of sanitation facilities. Additional projects deal with reducing barriers to progress through improvements to agricultural and nutrition practices, micro enterprise loans, and initiation of literacy, vocational training, and other educational programs. In addition, World Vision is working in Africa, Asia and The Caribbean to help address the needs of widows and orphans in response to the AIDS pandemic through its Hope Initiative.

Adapting to the individual needs of the areas where it works, World Vision coordinates programs for its sponsored children that - along core services, such as medical and dental care, supplemental food and vitamins, and grants and scholarships for school fees and other educational expenses are designed over many years to help make families and communities self-sustaining. According to World Vision, the total number of children being sponsored by U.S. donors is over 700,000.

In the United States, World Vision teams with churches, community organizations, and other volunteer groups. Projects target issues in such areas as tutoring youth, mentoring youth-at-risk, affordable housing, job training and placement, and small business development. Food commodities, medicines, clothing, and other gift-in-kind items (received from governmental sources and private donors) are distributed both through World Vision run projects and ministries affiliated with other organizations. Outside partner ministries receiving gifts from World Vision share similar ideals as overall guiding principles. To educate Americans about the needs of the poor, World Vision produces magazines and other broadcast and print resources, and annually organizes the 30 Hour Famine program for youth to increase their understanding of life in developing countries.

Community Stories

78 Stories from Volunteers, Donors & Supporters

I have seen WV's work first hand in Uganda & Rwanda. The holistic economic development model they are implementing in their area development programs is incredible. The people they employ are 95% in country employees which I find to be superior to other organizations because they aren't sending westerners to these countries. I have also sponsored many children over the years through their sponsorship programs. It's not perfect and none of them are, but when you look at scale and impact of your money, $1 becomes more like $5 because they can influence local governments and make large scale change because they go into communities for 15+years at a time. Working on poverty is difficult, and if the Clinton Global Initiative and The Gates Foundation and Tom's Shoes is working with WV, I think they must be doing a darn good job.

If I could do less than a one star, I would.
I am sponsoring 6 children through World Vision, and am just now withdrawing my support. However, I am trying to get an outside agency to investigate them, so any contact info would be helpful.
I am donating the $39/month, and had given $1400 so far this year for special gifts , a little over $200 per person. Now I find that the gifts were redirected to their community. I am not even sure which community, since in Mali there are several community areas. Cannot find what the donation went for. Cannot find out if my kids are in school or get meal support. I am now 8 months going to 9 months, and cannot find out if they had a birthday party, christmas gift/party, what their needs are, what they like about school, nothing..... crickets.
I am particularly torqued about this, since I took up, at age 71, employment in a covid unit, at high risk to myself, to provide funding. I am furious. I did hear about one of the 6, from Burundi, but beyond what would appear to be a $25 donation of oil and thin mattress, have no idea what happened. When I tried to find out if there were siblings, ill parents, anything, I was told that the child would write me about that. Have heard from no one.
At the end of the day, if you have taken some $4000 from me over 8 months, it is inexcusable to tell me you do not know what it went for, or name of village. I am turning them in for fraud, and wish to discourage anyone from donating to them. I am redirecting to Compassion and to Unbound, FYI. Sorry I put money into this sinkhole. What a lack of transparency.


bagano1 General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

Have a family member that solicited donations for this organization. She was appalled that wealthy donors took her to diners and not fancy restaurants to discuss donations. I was a younger and more naive so I didn't challenge her at the time, but it bothered me considering she had to be established in the organization to have such an important job duty. I would never give this charity a dime. I don't trust any of them. I don't think they care about people, it's just rich people looking to party on other people's dime.

5 Laura W.3

Laura W.3 Volunteer

Rating: 5

We sponsor 6 children with World Vision and I have visited three of them in three different countries. What I have seen of World Vision's work firsthand has FAR exceeded any expectations! World Vision's model helps the individual child and family but also transforms the whole community! Their goal is to make the community self-sustaining within 15-20 years and it really works!!! I've seen a community that was only one month away from "graduating" from World Vision's help and the pride, empowerment, and joy that I witnessed there was incredible!

One thing that is important to note about communication with sponsored children is that World Vision uses a "letter for letter" approach. That means that for every letter you write, you will receive a letter. So if people are not hearing from their child, it may be that they are not writing themselves. Another thing to keep in mind is that many of these children live in extremely remote locations and it can take many months for them to receive a letter and then have their letter sent out in reply.

Additionally, donations given to birthday celebrations for the whole community are generally not responded to individually as it's a collective gift for the whole community. You can usually read about what they did for the community birthday celebration in the annual report. If someone wants to receive a personal letter in reply, then it's best to give a special gift of money specifically to your sponsored child and their family. Then you will receive a letter, photo, and itemized list of what was purchased. It's so rewarding to see how $100 can go for your child and their family!!! My little boy in Uganda received a goat, mattress, sheet, solar panel, light, and batteries - all for $100! My kids, husband and I are so happy about that!

As I've had the opportunity to see World Vision staff's work in the field with children and families, I've only grown more impressed and happy to support them. God is literally changing lives through this ministry and it's an honor to be part of it through sponsorship!

Review from Guidestar

I have sponsored a child since 2012-2013, and only heard from then once or twice. After not hearing anything for two years, I sent an e-mail asking if my child was receiving anything from me, since I was sending money, gifts and letters. In addition to the $35 per month, I gave a $200 gift for Birthday and Christmas twice, and received no acknowledgement. After 2 years of no contact, in frustration I contracted World Vision, and they claimed that they sent me an email Dec 5th 2015, they resent it at my request. If you look at the two files, the original note dated Dec 5th 2013, they re-translated and change the date to 2015. When I saw that letter I remembered distinctly. What this tells me is that there is no contact with my original sponsored child, and I suspect they do not receive anything from me.

If you want to sponsor, go to It is $30 and ALL of the money goes to the child, and you can go visit them. They are children currently in an orphanage in Kenya.

God Bless you with Discernment.


Writer Donor

Rating: 2

I have been sponsoring a child since 2007, and have noticed over the past few years, things seem to be changing at World Vision. Letters are fewer from my child, and information now contained in them varies from earlier letters received from the person writing them. My child was born in 2003, and the letter I just received from someone indicated "I turn 10." I am beginning to question who is actually writing the letters. I will continue, at east for now to sponsor my child, but am having misgivings about the validity of this organization


MzJM Donor

Rating: 2

Our family decided it was important to give Christmas to others in a way that could have a long impact on lives. The promise, as we understood it, was that we would hear from whomever received the donations (goats, ducks, mosquito nets, and water). My grandchildren participated; they are home schooled so this was to be a complete life, learning experience for them. They were disappointed that only I received generic information about where a donation goes or a story about a generic child who received mosquito nets and how it helped but not who received the mosquito nets that they donated = first disappointment. The 2nd and even more alarming was the amount of mail we started receiving from WV; 2-4 times a year I could handle but often it was 2 times a week. I have asked for it to stop and it has yet to stop. In my opinion this is not good stewardship of the funds being received and it is quite annoying to the recipient. We will continue to give to others but are looking for a less wasteful organization to do it through.

Review from Guidestar


Amanda1Sharon General Member of the Public

Rating: 4

Hello, we are college students that have been doing research into non-profit development organizations. We have been studying and reviewing World Vision throughout the course of the semester. Here are our thoughts on the organization.

World Vision, the largest privately funded Christian relief and development organization in the world has dedicated to working with children who are poor and oppressed so as to transform their lives by helping them reach their full potential in their communities. As a faith based organization, World Vision uses a Christian approach in their development and relief services to demonstrate God's unconditional love but also to tackle the issues of poverty and releasing the world's poorest from this level. World Vision has eight areas of focus which are: clean water, health, education, food and agriculture, economic development, child protection, gender equality, disaster relief.

To this day, 85% of the donations given to World Vision have gone towards their development projects. For example, in education they have managed to increase children's access to quality education, especially for girls. World Vision is also involved in preventing the exploitation of children and supporting survivors of child abuse. They have also provided 263.9 million dollars in food assistance to people in need for development as well as disaster relief.

There are some questions regarding the actual impact of World Vision's development programs, their financial distributions, and their Christian values. World Vision's development programs appear to act as more relief services and help in the short-term, rather than their goal of fostering long-term development because of financial logistics. This means that a large percentage of their donations are not being utilized in the development programs but are instead channeled to fundraising efforts for which the effects are not realized. The other portion of non-program related financials goes towards management and administration costs which does not translate into development. World Vision also claims that they cater to everyone regardless of faith, nationality, race, sexual orientation, or gender, etc. However, there has been some controversy regarding their employment regulations. World Vision will not employ individuals who identify as homosexual or are in a same-sex union. We encourage donors to be cautious and to review all options of World Vision's programs before donating towards their cause.

Review from Guidestar

I have been giving to World Vision for over ten years. I've always received thank you's from children in Africa for sending letters, pictures, and gifts that WV sends to me to send to sponsored child. I still give for different things throughout the year because I cannot afford to sponsor a child every month. I'm shocked to see people complain about how much the CEO makes. People from all over the world donate and 95% goes directly to the poor while the other 5% goes to the people who advertise and send supplies. Do you remember the computer that won over a million dollars on Jeopardy donated all of the winnings to WV? And that was just one donation! Also, I'm shocked to hear people are offended by WV showing TV ads of young girls in Human Trafficking crisis. People care more about dogs and cats than children and babies in America! Hello, slavery IS real and it should never be tolerated in any part of the world, especially in America, especially to children! Awareness is KEY! We need to stop this and if you're offended, how do you think the children feel being tortured every day? You want to sweep them under the rug so you don't have to be reminded of it? How would you like to live it? I thank God for WV and any other charity that helps the voiceless and the helpless. Bless you all who work for Jesus!


marinaj Donor

Rating: 5

The talents required to manage a huge company like Google , Apple or Amazon...are the same talents required to manage a multi million dollars organization like WV .
CEOs make A LOT OF MONEY, they go to prestigious schools, possess multiple degrees, have work experiences with the biggest companies in the world...These individuals are " la creme de la creme" in the world of business. So why are many in here shocked by WV CEO'salary?
You think he should be paid LESS than Amazon's CEO because he works for a charity?
It takes a great deal of talent to be the head of something that big..Actually 300 or 400k a year, is NOTHING compared to the income generated by the donations or compared to another high profile CEO'salary.
WV is NOT perfect, and does not claim to be, but you must give them credit for their incredible work. Keep in mind , they must deal with countries that are financially dysfunctional, corrupted, where Christians are not welcome, with poor technology and means of communication; or geographically isolated.
God , will hold accountable , those who misuse the funds set for the advancement of His Kingdom in the world.... Just do your best to help these kids and their communities, God will judge us individually . Please do not give up on the needy. The message left by Jesus to His disciples is a message of compassion and generosity for the poor and the less fortunate. It is the ultimate message " OF LOVE"
I'm a struggling mom myself; sometimes, I don't even know if I will be able to pay my rent...But by the Grace of God, I sponsor 3 children. I do it with pride and a big smile on my face.
God has NEVER let me down financially, he is my rock!
Surrender ALL of yourself to God, and trust me , He will take care of you!

God bless each one of you and rewards you for your generous heart!

I'm writing this because I feel called upon to address some issues. I'm a donor and have been for about two years for WorldVision.

My message is primarily towards Christians, as I have a Christian perspective.

I know many people feel that the CEO, or administrative costs, are paid excessively and this could potentially dissuade people from donating. Looking at the numbers, yes, the CEO does look like he gets paid a lot. However, as some previously mentioned, this guy was making millions prior to World Vision as head of corporate companies. He took a substantial pay cut. It is not easy running an organization as big as World Vision. Another thing to consider is that we're all assuming that he spends the money on himself. He may be giving his monies on his own - who knows? I guess what I'm trying to say is that each person will be accountable to God. This should not dissuade our own responsibilities to love others and give to the needy.

It is always a blessing to give. Yes, some of the monies will be misappropriated or not used towards everything we want, as we are humans and we are prone to selfishness. Human ambitions cloud sound judgment many times. However, we forget at times that it is God that gives us the money in the first place. He is the one that will see to it that the funds go towards the right places. At the same time, God tests us with money and those that handle money. From the organization's end, it's a test to see if the administrators / workers of WorldVision will allocate the monies to the children and their necessities. However, from the donor's end, it's a test to see if we trust God. We could always make excuses on not giving to the poor. "They're going to spend it on drugs..." to justify why we don't give to the homeless person on the street, or "Only 10% is really going towards the people in need." Should this really stop our responsibility to give? No one will perfectly give as they should, because no one is perfect. Do you think God will trust you with more money when you are hesitant to give towards his causes?

Our responsibility as donors should not be contingent upon others. I've always seen the missionaries and the other people that are on the front lines to be the ones doing the hard work. I'm fortunate enough to be able to support them monetarily instead.

I'm writing this because I used to be someone that made all sorts of excuses to not give. God rebuked me... harshly. I had to live in poverty for over twenty years to know what it means to be in financial need. I knew firsthand how it felt to not be able to give. I became embittered about being poor and disadvantaged, especially in a country in which many people were in positions to give. However, because of the few people that did give, God's love overcame this bitterness and it was revealed to me that love is sacrifice. God also showed me that at any moment, God could take everything away in order for us to realize that He is in control. No matter how many years you've been at your job, how much education, family, etc. you have, you could have everything taken from you. This is not because God wants to punish, but because we have the illusion that we are in control, when God is actually the one in control. How else to show this unless things don't go our way?

The gift of giving is not easy. It means that you have to trust others without really knowing what they do. I know that this is especially difficult when you have to sacrifice your wants (and sometimes your needs) to be able to give. Why should I give when I need help too? I have thought this many, many times. However, we give because God gave to us. I give, because I know how it is like to be in a position in which I cannot give.

WorldVision, or any other charity, are usually underfunded. The need is great, but those that give, are few.

13 Wendy83

Wendy83 Volunteer

Rating: 5

I'll guarentee you that most people complaining on here could never be satisfied. That truth is to be taken into consideration.
I have been a sponsor with World Vision for almost 3 years. I sponsor 4 African children. I have visited two of them; one in Swaziland and another in Zimbabwe. They were both different experiences, but each country is different and you have to expect some of that.
What World Vision is doing for these poor people is amazing. They are working with broken, starving, sick people and giving them the tools and means to survive, and these folks thrive. It may take 15 + years to bring them to a place of SELF-SUFFICIENCY but they do it. They don't just drill a well and go away. They teach them to maintain their wells and at the same time create jobs for their futures. That goes without saying in their clinics, schools and agricultural efforts.
I only hope that everyone of these negative posts were followed by a call to the headquarters and an attempt to clarify things, because this is NOT the World Vision I have come to know. The Rep I speak to is professional, and will resolve any problem that I ever have. It's a shame how cruel some people speak, and quite frankly that attitude alone disqualifies anything they have to say, in my opinion.
Thank-You World Vision for valuing the broken, destitute children of the world. It's working.

19 Edward12

Edward12 Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

I have experience evaluating 2 projects of WVI, one in Africa and one in Montenegro. They are a good org. and having been around HQ., I can say they are not top-heavy in administrative costs. They do not force Christianity on anyone, in my experience. The beneficiaries in the Montenegro project were Muslim, and they were not even aware that WV is a Christian org. They approach development in an anthropological sound way--again, in my experience.

I've been giving just at Christmas, and after the reviews I think that will stop. I'm shocked at the huge salary the CEO is getting. I refuse to ever donate to the Red Cross because of the ridiculously high salary their CEO is getting. So, sorry World Vision, I'm finished with you.

Barbara, Colorado

I read a negative comment on here about what the CEO makes. Do you ask these questions when you buy a cell phone plan? Or how about that takeout burger you bought? Amazing what we value here. CEO's of companies as large as WV organization make double to triple the money. The CEO's actually take a pay cut to work for WV. Yes it is a lot of money. In a perfect world everyone would work for free. But honestly the qualifications to run a charity that operates in numerous countries around the world while advocating for change...... You don't think you need someday who knows what they are doing?? If they make mistakes they put everyone volunteering/working and those people they are trying to help in extreme danger in some of these places. The grand scope of what they accomplish isn't simple!
And the CEO's of these charities have chosen to leave other higher paying positions to do this. Smaller charities don't accomplish the same degree.

This organization misleads their donors about how much money goes to the end recipient. They say they only spend 15% on overhead, but that is only for the fundraising office. Each additional office takes additional monies. In some cases there are 5 additional offices taking cuts before the poor receive any benefit. I would estimated that only 10-20% of the original donated monies actually get to the programs helping the poor.

Previous Stories


timmountain Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 1

Back in 1989, World Vision commissioned an internal study to see how much of each donor dollar was getting to the poor. The internal report showed less than 10% was received by the poor. How could this be?

World Vision is a large multi level organization. Each level takes a cut (1 - Fundraising office, 2 - International office, 3 - Regional office, 4 - Country office, 5 - Project office). After all of the salaries and administrative cuts at each level, there was not much of the dollar left for the poor.

This report caused terror in the organization and the findings were quickly suppressed. Senior staff realized there was a big problem and there was a multitude of meetings to try to cut expenses, but sadly it never happened.

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TeBe General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

Something really stinks here. They run these sleazy TV commercials and then keep the money that is sent in for themselves. They should be GIVING 90% of the donations they get, not keeping it.

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candygirl54 General Member of the Public

Rating: 1


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Pepa Donor

Rating: 5

I have been sponsoring different children in WV since 1991. My last child finished high school and promised to pay for her college. She and I used to write letters, more than the usual thank you or cards for Christmas. She became part of myfamily. she even called me "aunt". Anyway, I paid for her first semester in college and after that WV just kept telling me and sending me notices that I needed to pay my monthly dues. I called to tell then that paying for her college was more than four times my monthly dues. I thought WV would be more interested in me paying for her college than in paying WV dues for a child who doe snot live in the community anymore because moved to the city to go to college. Few months later and without any communication they stopped sending me ANY communication. WV did not send me any letters to pay for teh second semester so I am assuming she is not in college any longer. And, I have not received any letter from her. Who knows what she was told! Disgusting! How Christian is this! They are just interested in making a profit!!!!

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15 Bruce18

Bruce18 Donor

Rating: 1

As a son of a non-profit CEO I am also outraged by the salaries of STC and World Vision executives. As a leader in Christ, you are called to sacrifice, not enrich yourselves. My father would at times pay his staff before himself - indeed even sometimes borrow. They rested on their faith, meeting for prayer every morning, and God did not fail to provide the needs of the staff and my family, as well as the constituents of the organization around the world.

I am ashamed that I have supported these two organizations for a decade without ever researching the salaries you pay yourselves. Enjoy your reward now Mr. MacCormack and Mr. Stearns, and encourage your cohorts to fully embrace theirs as well. For it is built upon the suffering of those whose stories you exploit for gain. Consider yourselves paid in full.

Review from CharityNavigator


mattndebi Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 1

After seeing how WV operates on a grassroots level, it makes one want to vomit. If you look at the upper level vision, it may be really. But after seeing how WV works on a grassroots level for 7 years in Africa, I have little reason to believe that much of your money is doing anything but padding the pockets of corrupt grassroots level workers of WV. And in terms of Christian witness, the on-the-ground WV workers smear the name of Christ in the mud by the way they live. PS - Do not think that when you visit your sponsor child, you are seeing the real WV. WV knows how to put on a show that has little to do with reality.

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Review from CharityNavigator

I sponsored a child for several years. I just now read the review of expense. Am I misunderstanding or is very little going to charity and the majority of money going to administrative expenses?
I've convinced many people to give to this charity so I hope I'm wrong.

Dima Garcia

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Review from CharityNavigator

I believed that WV has poor oversight and no accountability. I sponsored 4 children for about a year and only 2 of them wrote to me. It's strange that I received about 3 letters from a 7 year-old boy and I noticed the hand-writing are different on each letter but all signed by his name. Also when I called WV to ask why I have not received any letters from my other sponsored children, they said maybe because I did not write to them so they did not write back to me but I did write to them. Oddly, 3 days later I received 2 letters simultaneously from 2 of sponsored kids that I had not heard from before. The suspicious hand-writing, the timing of letters showed up quickly after my compliant had made me wondered if my sponsored money really goes to right place. When I learned that WV CEO get paid $380K per year I realized that my hard earning money sure goes to support the $380k per year benefit of a CEO. I stopped being a sponsor. If someone really has his mind in helping the needy children he would not accept $380K salary a year. I don't expect him to work for free but 2/3 of this money could definitely help a lot of disadvantaged children. I questioned the CEO's integrity for this huge salary.

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Evie S Donor

Rating: 4

We sponsor 4 children and having read "A Hole in Our Gospel" over the Christmas holiday I felt compelled to add another... Maybe more down the road. We are at a stage in our life where we feel that we have been so blessed that it is time to give others opportunities that they may not otherwise have. We have been involved with WV for almost 10 years. I was introduced to the organization through a Women if Faith Conference.
I love the concept of having a personal relationship with a specific child. Most charities you just give but don't really establish a relationship with any recipients.
I also think it is very wise to take on communities as well where the children.
3-4 times a year we receive personal letters and periodic updated from WV as well about each child and that child's community.
Two if our Kids are Christian, one is Muslim and one is Buddhist. I have found myself judging less and praying more as I learn about the lives of these kids. Of course I hope that the two non Chistians may be called to Christ at some point in their life ... However, that is not why I am helping them... If that occurs then Praise God and the Holy Spirit.
I really didn't do alot of homework before we started supporting this wonderful organization. About a year ago I did some and felt positive about it financially. I just learned about the CEOs salary amount. I think a this person deserves the amount but he no doubt has done very well before he came on board in the private sector.... but wouldn't it be so awesome if one his own he chose to forego a good portion of the amount returning it to the organization... Maybe in his own way he has already done something comparable. I
I also believed that some of the expenses for fundraising could be trimmed. If I could see a reduction in both these areas, my rating would be the highest possible!

Poor oversight and no accountability! I was sponsoring 3 children in Uganda through World Vision for about 1 1/2 yrs. I had the opportunity to visit them and found one child did not know he had a sponsor until 10 days before I arrived though I had received mail supposedly in his name and thank you notes for gifts I had sent. The other child had only a few letters I had sent but nothing else though I had received letters regarding other gifts in her name, and she was not in school because the family could not afford the fees though my sposorship money was supposed to pay for her school. The WV rep said my money supported community projects not the individual child which I felt bordered on fraud. I ended my sponsorship though I continue to support the children though private means. After I contacted WV to discuss this they said they were "investigating" and I have heard no concrete results from this "investigation". Beware large organizations-know where your money goes!

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Review from CharityNavigator

Previous Stories

I sponsored 3 children in Uganda. I had the chance to visit 2 in 2011. One child had none of the items I sent her and couldn't afford the school fees to attend the school my dollars given in her name was supporting. The second child didnt even know he had a sponsor until 10 days befor I came, though I had been paying for over 1 1/2 yrs. Also I brought a friend who was a native speaker and who told me the WV reps. were not telling me the truth about what the child and his famiy were saying. Also when I left the WV staff gave this family a letter saying I did not want to sponsor them because they "lied" about not having a sponsor. I contacted the office in Seattle and sent them all the letters I had received in the children's names, as well as the phony dismissal letter, etc. and WV said they would "look into it". A year later and they still have no response. WV is too big and there is no accountability. Zero stars!

Review from CharityNavigator

I have been a long time donor to the charity and have a high regard for its work. I would however hope that less funds be spent on the glossy brochures that I receive (which do nothing to influence my giving other than create a negative perception as to overhead costs).

Review from CharityNavigator

1 Chuck Y.

Chuck Y. Donor

Rating: 5

Easily our favorite charity! We sponsor a child and have had our kids pick items from their Christmas catalog to give.

Review from CharityNavigator

Our favorite charity, my wife and I have sponsored three children consecutively. For the first two kids we were notified when the kids and their community did not need our help any longer. They asked if we would like to sponsor another child. We did. It is awesome they get the children and their communities self sufficient. They also have many opportunities to give with matching donations as high as twelve times our donation.

Review from CharityNavigator

We sponsor 2 children with World Vision and love the work they're doing. We do not hear from these children directly very often, but we do receive updates from their communities. These children are in very remote parts of Africa--our little girl is from the Congo. Some similar Christian charities lack the capacity to create infrastructure in such inaccessible places. Proud to stand with World Vision in the Congo which has had 2 civil wars that have killed over 6 million people. Violence is still ongoing in parts of that country. Love that World Vision is working to create self-sustaining communities by partnering with those communities to prioritize needs and create local solutions-- a hand up--not a hand out. Finally my sponsorship dollars not only benefit our sponsored children--they benefit the ENTIRE community. We also sponsor with another Christian group from Colorado that requires children to come to their church based centers. World Vision is a Christian humanitarian group that helps everyone regardless of their religion. I think this is an especially powerful way to share God's love.


k2t1 Donor

Rating: 3

World Vision is a good charity and they do a lot of good for disadvantaged children in struggling communities. As a child sponsor I would like to see fewer brochures and expensive printings sent to me and more money directed to the children and communities in need. I also would like to see a CEO salary more in line with the $150k per year charity average than the $380k they currently pay. I often wonder if I am paying $35 per month to the benefit of my sponsored child or to the $380k per year benefit of a CEO?

Review from CharityNavigator

The work done by World Vision is very important but I would like less money be spent on publications sent to donors which ends up in the trash.

Review from CharityNavigator

We have been associated with World Vision for approximately 35 years. My wife and I helped with phone calls to raise donations in the mid-70's and she worked as an Administrative Assistant there for a year or two in the 70's also. We have been monthly donors to World Vision for 25-30 years. We have always found the people at World Vision to act with the highest integrity. They demonstrate concern for the people whom they serve and they also demonstrate concern in regards to accountability for the donations received. Every time we have asked any type of a question, they have responded immediately. They provide us impact statements for the projects we support. We periodically research charities and World Vision in particular, to make certain that we are being good stewards with our giving. We have never been disappointed in World Vision. They have been a wonderful witness for God's love.

Review from CharityNavigator

scam scam scam... notice on their website there is nowhere a reasonable person can find to cancel their account or their autogiving.. after giving for almost a year i attempted to cancel the account ,, you can not find a place on the website to cancel.. you go to the faq no answer you go to the search box enter cancel or cancellation, nothing comes up.. you call the 800 number the person their can not find out ont he web how to cancel either.then when they tell you over the phone they will cancel for you and you ask for an email confirmation all of a sudden their system cna not email you that information you need to wait for a letter to come in the mail... so now i sit and wait to see if this is cancelled or not..its surreal that they make it impossible to cancel trying to drag one more last payment out of you....what a shame, exceot what a great lesson that my 12 yr old now learned that just because someone has a good looking website does not make the this week i will teach how to blog about this and how to forward this information to the appropriate authorities..

Review from CharityNavigator

World Vision continues to impress me. We sponsor children in Africa to help educate them, encourage and empower them in their lives. We donate to individuals who do marathons that are sponsored by World Vision as well since together, they raise funds to create provide water wells that will last forever to help those in Africa. This organization embodies Christ's calling to serve the poor, the oppressed and those in need of love and care.

6 Brenda27

Brenda27 Volunteer

Rating: 5

One of my favorite things about World Vision is the fact that out of their 40,000 employees, 95% of them are indigenous to the country where they serve. Giving locals jobs simply continues the support that people in a poor area are getting and it also allows those being served to have aid workers that are familiar with their customs. I have been a child sponsor for over 4 years and a volunteer ambassabor for nearly 2 years.

Review from CharityNavigator

My daughter who is 17 committed my family to a $35 monthly donation. This charity did not ask if she was 18, ask for ID or if she had permission to commit my family. I find that this is poor practice for an organization who is looking for world class recognition.

Review from CharityNavigator


Doola Donor

Rating: 1

The following are two reviews for two different sponsored children through World Vision and two different situations entirely: one for a short lived sonsorship in Ghana, and  one that came to an abrupt end by World Vision in India this month.
1) I sponsored a girl in Ghana, but could not shake the feeling that I was being ripped off by the local "charity".  I received a picture of a different girl, and when I called WV in the US to find out what was going on, was literally told that children change as they get older. Mind you, I had just started sponsoring the girl a few months earlier, so she must have turned into a different person within a few months. After insisting hat this was a different human being, they agreed to look into it. I never heard back about it. I also asked the WV employee on the phone how much oversight they had over Ghana employees, as I never heard back form the sponsored child after sending her mail. I was of course reassured that I had nothing to worry about. In the course of the following weeks, I sent another letter and parcel but never received an answer. Instead, I got a "progress report" (fill in the blank card) that was clearly filled out by an employee. He/she had the audacity to draw three lines in the back (drawing area for children) and write "vase" and "tree" next to them. The "drawings" were done with the same ballpoint pen, yet I had sent the girl color pencils and crayons. The girl being 10 years old, I expected her to at least draw her own drawing (what else is the point of it?!)and fill in the blanks on her report herself. (My name is ____ I am ___ years old... nothing fancy here!) When I called to inquire, the WV staff were ignorant to the fact that this 4th grader lived in a country with English as its official language and reminded me that they operated in countries where translators were needed!! They must have passed on my complaints, because I received 4 letters within 2 weeks, one thanking me for "all the gifts". The letters  were typed and kept referring to the girl as "the child". I decided not to keep sponsoring some corrupt Ghanaian employee's villa any longer and wrote one last good bye letter. Sadly, I will never know if this girl ever even knew she had a sponsor, or if she ever benefited from any money I sent. ............................................................. 2) I have been sponsoring a girl in India for the past 5 1/2 yrs, during which time, I only received two "progress reports" that were not even filled out by her herself, but by the WV employee in the respective office, though at the time of the last one she was in 4th grade and had taken English since 1st grade. Yesterday, I bought back to school gifts I wanted to send to her. When I logged into my online account last night to look up the address, a different child was presented to me as my sponsored child, in a different part of India, whom I had presumably started sponsoring 3 weeks ago?! I called up the office today and they informed me that WV was no longer needed in my sponsored girl's region and that they are stopping operations there. I no longer could sponsor her, write to her, find out about her, would never be able to get in touch with her due to their child protection policies, and in short, should just get over it and sponsor that other child they already signed me up for or any other child I chose. I am completely heart-broken, because I had planned on visiting her, on the day I made this commitment (it was never a matter of "if" and always a matter of "when") , I had commited to myself to see her through college and make sure that, when she is old enough, she would know that she has someone who can help her if she ever were in need. In short, I was determined to make this specific girl's life better and give her a real chance in life. While the monthly gift goes to the community, I had hoped that through letters, books, writing utensils, writing paper, an atlas, etc., she would gain an appreciation for school, and through an education have a better life. Now, I won't ever know anything about her. I never ever thought sponsorship could come to such an abrupt and unnatural end. The WV employee on the phone commended me for taking such interest in a person I do not know, and reminded me that child sponsorship never really goes directly to the child anyway, but to the community... yet, THEY create this bond on purpose by sending out a photo and a name, so that, as a sponsor, you associate ONE person with your gift. How would I not feel saddened to know that all this was taken away form her and me without as much as a prior notice.
Also, I never knew if she ever received any of the books, letters, pens, pencils, toys, etc. that I sent her. I am now looking to find a different organization where communication is more open. I feel burned by World Vision and can't get over the fact that I will never know if "my little girl" ended up on the street, in a brothel, as a child bride, or in college. And I will NEVER stop wondering.


met123 Donor

Rating: 2

I have been sponsoring a girl in Mexico for two years. I gave 100 dollar special gift . I did get a picture of her with her gifts which was nice . The letter seemed fake though like it wasn't her talking. Also the letter had the wrong name on it. I called the field office and they said I was her only sponsor and not to worry. Besides thevthank you letters for money she never wrote.

Review from CharityNavigator


Robert54 Volunteer

Rating: 4

I am proud to be associated with Red Cross in Kenya. Red Cross Kenya is doing a good job in disaster management and crisis resolution whenever there is an incident in any corner of the country, Red Cross arrive there first and provide first aid for the victims. As a Life member i am satisfied that my donations and efforts are not going to waste.

I've read many of the reviews that others have listed for WV. We have 3 children that we sponsor through WV since 2007 and have had a life-changing experience sponsoring these children! I've conducted a LOT of research into this non-profit, which has become my favorite. I've read many critical comments that I actually believe to be erroneous or that have had gaps of critical information missing in their complaints. If you're unhappy or you feel displeased about your sponsorship, I think you should call and voice your concerns as you might be mistaken, have an honest misunderstanding and you might find yourself pleasantly surprised. :)

Review from CharityNavigator

I sponsored seven children and did not find out the truth about sponsorship for many years. All of the thousands of dollars that I paid all those years to ensure that my sponsored children had food, clean water, education, and medical care were wasted. In addition, I gave multiple $500-$1,000 "gift notifications" to World Vision to buy things for specific children, for example to purchase oxen (twice), to build a home, and to build and stock a chicken farm. When inquiring about a specific child who I had sponsored for seven years, I was told that she was being fed three times per week at school. OK, so World Vision feels that three meals a week constitutes the child being fed? What about the rest of the time? No food help from World Vision. I also learned that yes, the child receives a medical exam once per year, but not treatment of any health problems. My child needed iron tablets, which cost pennies, but World Vision would not provide those to my child. It makes me sick to think of the thousands of dollars I gave to World Vision now that I know almost no good was done with any of it. Donors, beware!

Review from CharityNavigator

I only hope the money I give will do good for the child I am sponsoring and his family as well as his village. I did receive a letter from my sponsor child's parents thanking me for sponsoring their child, it was a nice letter. I hope World Vision will only become more efficient with funds and continues to try to help people as best as they can. I'm not a Christian but I think this is the best charity to help a sponsored child, and that is what really matters.

We have donated monthly to support a child for a couple years now and we think it is the best nonprofit organization out there. We love how they help people and how they get their donors involved in helping others. We also think how they break down their finances is reasonable and purposeful. If any employee is making a lot of money, we trust the organization to have good reason for it. It is easy for us to say that they make too much and the money should go to help others, however we trust them and believe that their hearts are in the right place and I'm sure they use their own money to be generous to others as opposed to lavish spending.

For those of you debating about what the World Vision President makes: The email circulating is false, but only in that it refers to World Vision (Canada). The President for World Vision U.S. is the one that makes nearly half a million a year salary. The email was correct, however it should have noted World Vision U.S. President Richard Stearns and (not) World Vision Canada President Dave Toycen. Regardless, they're under the same umbrella. If you still don't believe it's true look it up, it's all public info. Here it is on Forbes:

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Unfortunately I did not do my research when I sponsored two children from World Vision, to see what their employees or CEO's are paid, or even researched what the children are learning. I was already a sponsor with Compassion International for 3 children at the time and another sponsor had a child with World Vision so I chose a couple also. Since then, which has been almost 6 years now, I have noticed the difference between Compassion and World Vision and I would prefer to give more support to Compassion. I do believe World Vision does a lot of good work but I like the openness of Compassion and how they do things regarding the paperwork and the finances. I was actually a volunteer level II Advocate until this past January when I had to give it up due to Shingles affecting me physically, I still have them. I would never tell anyone not to choose World Vision nor would I promote them, I tell everyone that they are a good organization but I do prefer Compassion. Every years since I became a sponsor Compassion has continued to show good results through Charity Navigator.

Review from CharityNavigator


Barneys Donor

Rating: 5

No doubt it is a good charity and the goal is admirable. Still $380.6 K is a lot of money for someone whose goal is to help. If he made !00 K less, think of how many more children could be helped. As a percentage of the money involved, his salary is probably not exhorbitant. Nonetheless, the more he takes, the less goes to the children. I guess the Salvation Army needs to go overseas. I did not volunteer time. Just a pretty good chunk of money in 2011. Those who give a physical effort God bless and more power to you. You are good people. . . . all of you and Mr. Sterns as well.

3 Kaylee T.

Kaylee T. Volunteer

Rating: 5

To those of you that say that Rich Stirns is hypocritical for the money he receives. I disagree. The bible states in 12:48, "But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked." Rich Stirns makes a lot of money. That is not bad! God has blessed him with much, and with that He expects much. I believe that Rich Stirns heart is not where his money is, he is a giving man who has been blessed and does all he can for the glory of the Lord. Take the log out of your own eye before you sit here and point at the splinter in others. God knows where Stirns heart is and no one else is to judge but the Lord himself. I appreciate all that Stirns has done for this nation and for the world. I believe he is a man who has been given much and has done much with what he is given. He is a great man and I will continue to sponsor World Vision for years to come.

Review from CharityNavigator


Lief Donor

Rating: 5

Alvin, the email you are referring to is completely false. Snopes even ran an article on it:

A recent circulating e-mail states that World Vision is one of the highest offenders in paying CEO's: "The World Vision President (Canada) receives $300,000 base salary plus: a supplied home valued at $700-$800,000 which is completely furnished. All housing expenses are paid, including taxes, water/sewer, telephone, high speed weekly maid service. Private schooling is provided for his children, he receives and upscale automobile, a $55,000 personal expense account for food, clothing, etc and a $125,000 business expense account, etc., etc. Please respond to this. Is it true????

Review from CharityNavigator

Having attended numerous World Vision trips and functions I can tell you first hand you will not find a better source for your charitable dollar. World Vision's Area Development approach is by far the "best in the business". With a budget of over 1 BILLION dollars World Vision was able to recruit the CEO of Lennox, Rich Stearns. Rich took a significant pay cut to take over World Vision and basically walked away from millions he would be making in the corporate arena. Read his book before you decide to stop helping save the lives of the poorest of the poor. There's a reason why World Vision was the 2nd largest charitable organization in the USA last year. World Vision has earned my trust.

Review from CharityNavigator


android Donor

Rating: 1

I have been donating to World Vision for several years and finally decided to check them out on Charity Navigator. I was shocked to read some of the reviews and esp see how much their CEO makes. I compared this with the other child sponsorship organization CEOs and most of them make way less, some nothing at all, devoting their time for free. I wrote to World Vision to express my disappointment and got a long rambling response validating and justifying WHY their CEO makes market salary. If he wants a market salary, he should work for a large corporate house not an organization supposedly dedicated to serving the underpriveleged. I am a salaried person who makes a fraction of what their CEO makes and have been denying myself several things each month so I can donate to a child for several years now. I can only hope my donations found their way to my sponsored child all thes eyears. And I am taking my hard earned support elsewhere.

I have been giving to world vision for several years I decided to check them out on charity navigator. After seeing their ceo make three times what I do I think I'll find another charity to donate to. Noone needs that much.

Review from CharityNavigator


Tim W Donor

Rating: 5

After reading the book "The Hole in our Gospel", my wife and I decided to sponsor a child in Africa through World Vision. Having looked at various charities with similar goals, we choose to use World Vision. Their rating is high; their effectiveness is unquestionable and the amount of our donation that actually goes to the children is extremely high. We were also moved by the personal commitment of Mr Stearns. While executive compensation is always going to be second-guessed by donors or potential donors, we looked at the compensation in the context of the overall effectiveness of World Vision and recognized that a person with the experience and skills to lead an organization of this size and influence is worth his pay. We're pleased to be able to help children through World Vision, and we are more than comfortable that the Lord's money is being well spent.

3 Sandra20

Sandra20 General Member of the Public

Rating: 2

It's rather discouraging to see the large amount of money the CEO takes per year. No one needs that much to live comfortably. This alone would keep me from donating.

Review from CharityNavigator

1 Steven12

Steven12 Donor

Rating: 5

I love this charity. I support 3 kids through it monthly, and have been for years. I wonder why they feel they need to pay the president so much though?

Review from CharityNavigator


bwbeeman Donor

Rating: 5

I support this organization because of their great service to humanity. And because such a high percentage of my money goes directly to programs for the needy. Through World Vision, I've been able to supply food, water, medicine, mosquito nets, and farm animals to people in Africa, increasing the quality of life there.

Previous Stories


bwbeeman Donor

Rating: 5

I thoroughly enjoy the relationship I have with my child I support in Africa. When I get the mailings with the activity book to sign and send to him, I get to right a nice note to him and his family. I receive pictures and notes from them periodically. It's great.

My gifts have helped fund a well for good water, animals, food, medicine, school supplies, clothing and much more for a greatly improved community.

We have SO MUCH in my country that we take for granted. Over there, clean water is a luxury. It does my heart good to help.

This is an organization that is lean on the management side, and every dollar I give is used very wisely. A very impressive percentage goes directly to the benefit of the people I aim to help.

Review from Guidestar

My husband and I sponsor two kids through World Vision: a 12-year-old girl in Ethiopia and an 11-year-old boy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It's such an amazing experience to be able to reach out and touch a young life on other side of the world. World Vision's project work to improve entire communities through the sponsorship of children – to attack poverty and to provide better living conditions and resources for all nearby – truly makes a lasting impact for current and future generations in these impoverished countries. A few times a year we receive letters from our sponsored kids, and at the end of each year we get a detailed update about them and the project in their community. The letters and the updates often come with pictures drawn by the kids, and we receive the letters written in their original language as well as translated copies. I find it incredible that the World Vision field workers can reach so personally into the lives of each sponsored child, while the charity as a whole is able to maintain such wonderful organizational transparency and excellent program money usage. We want to sponsor a third child soon!

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My first experience with WV was in 1976. After a 2 year commitment to the Peace Corps in Nepal, I was visiting Bangladesh and saw the work of WV. A severe famine had forced many people into Dhaka to search for food. WV was providing food and shelter but also a means to make a living for folks with no land. (In a subsistence level farming society, a family with no land has no way to support themselves.) WV provided sewing machines, a silk worm farm, small fishing boats and nets to assist these people in making a living. I have been a sponsor ever since and provided extra funds for one of the children to go to a technical school for an associates degree in agricultre. Having experienced the waste and inefficiencies of government programs, WV is a model of good stewardship in my book!

Review from CharityNavigator

Worked for World Vision for many years and have seen first hand how much the cost is for the organization. High cost for staff and a system of reporting take well over 20% of the budget, and in some cases 75%. Corruption has taken place on a grand scale in a number of countries DRC, Chad, Zambia, Malawi. The marketing is more important than the actual impact of the wiork in the field. Yes there are many good honest Christian people working in World Vision. As an organization it is not so Christian. The International CEO makes over $400.000 and so does mr Stearns. How many children do you need to sponsor before such salaries are paid? The four stars are heavily overvalued.

Review from CharityNavigator

I like what World Vision is doing to help those in need. I think they are being good stewards of the money that is being given them. I don't completely agree with their policy of not hiring those who don't share the same faith because WV accepts money from people of different faiths/beliefs and those people are working with WV to help those in need too. Seems contradictory. I understand they are a faith based organization but who knows how many people could be reached by working for them who didn't know Christ before?

1 Sandy234

Sandy234 Donor

Rating: 5

Our family has given to World Vision over the last few years because of two simple reasons - One, we love Jesus and His call to help everyone in this world, in His name! Secondly, we also have a small farm with Ducks, a goat, a pony and misc other animals, and we love giving our sons, Stephen (7) and Michael (3) choices from which to give! Of course we have chosen Ducks one of those times, but also medicines, Bibles in children's own languages, and other items. I have just recently investigated the % overhead of different world helping organizations, and am thrilled that they are listed as one of the best organizations to give through!! Most of us never endure first hand devastating poverty here in America (we support our local food pantry too when we can because we know there is definite need here too), and it is wonderful to reach out and feed those in the most need, all so that they too may know how much our God loves them -and wants to be their God too if they do not yet know Him through Jesus!! Keep it up :) and all the best~
Sandy, Lloyd, Stephen & Michael

Review from CharityNavigator

Although World Vision serves all people, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, or gender, they do not HIRE people in a non-discriminatory fashion. They won't hire lesbians and gays. They won't hire Jews. They won't hire Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, Atheists, or even other Christians if their beliefs don't match up with those of World Vision. Atheists can dig wells. Jews can hand out blankets. Buddhists can provide clean water. Muslims can hand out food packages. You don't have to be their brand of Christian to help children in need. And this organization also needs accountants and custodians and administrative assistants and marketing people and HR people...all jobs that can be filled without discriminating on the bases of sexual orientation or religion. I recommend donating your charity money elsewhere...where there is no discrimination in employment.

Review from CharityNavigator

I just returned from Guatemala and saw first hand the work WV is doing-simply amazing! What an honor to be part of the reason they are doing such a remarkable difference.
I met my sponsor and her family...beyond a blessing! We visited various projects WV started in several communities where they teach a trade, provide the funds then once the community ise making a good profit, they leave them to run the "business" and start up a new one. The gratefulness of the communities for the difference WV is doing was wonderful. I highly recommend WV.
As for Mr. Stearns salary....he took a huge pay cut to work for WV. It would be like someone asking you to do a work for God but they can only pay you 10% of what you're making...Would you do it? He's done a great work with WV and will continue. If you read his book The Hole In Our Gospel ( you'll learn A LOT on what is our part in beating poverty and the death of millions. It's not a WV commercial, it's just pulling the blanket off "Are we doing what God has asked us to"? BTW, the book won best Christian book of the year...a MUST read!

Review from CharityNavigator


Emma Thompson General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I have seen first hand the work that World Vision is doing in Africa and I am so extremely impressed!
I worked to raise money for World Vision through my church's youth group and the 30 Hour Famine. after raising enough money to feed 2 children for a year (720.00 USD ) I applied for the Famine Study Tour and got accepted. I traveled to Burundi with World Vision. I have seen Schools built, medical clinics funded, housing funded, homes built, sustainable food sources provided to families, nutrition education provided for parents of young children, lunches provided for school age children and water made more accessible by World Vision. In Burundi (and all over the world) World Vision works to make communities and families self sustainable. One of the world vision workers we meant said it well " We want to teach the people to fish, not just eat the fish." They want the people to learn to do things so they can continue to develop as a community after World vision leaves. World vision is doing fantastic things. The money donated to this organisation goes very far and makes huge changes in peoples lives.

Review from CharityNavigator

Blog-lets-not-talk-cap-sanitation-all-long-way Wvi


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